Business object (BO) is basically collection of Attributes, Methods and Events for a particular business entity. Example of BO: Sale Order, Vendor, Customer, Material etc. BOs wrap around backend tables, application code, change document and other technical information and expose them as Attributes, Methods and Events. Usually methods of BOs refer to BAPIs.

This example shows a simple way to call a workflow process from Event-Class into a Class Method or SAP ABAP Program. Function module - event creation by calling function module. For more SAP Business Workflow. Program Exits In Workflow Page. Yes the Workflow can be triggered without the triggering events either by configuring it or by using the Function Module SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW You can also trigger Workflow when a Message is thro, Is it possible to start the workflow without triggering event., ABAP Tutorial. This explains a simple scenario to trigger Class based Workflow from program. Now if we call the SET_CUSTOMER method it will. ABAP, BAPI, xApps, SAP.

• People / Group of people responsible for taking actions are defined in organization structure. Person responsible for taking an action is called. It is defined in the workflow activity.

METHOD createinstance. CREATE OBJECT eo_plantinst EXPORTING plant = iv_plant. CATCH cx_bo_error. Note: Don't forget to syntax check, activate, and test your method works before using it in workflow. Create a task with your CREATEINSTANCE method just as you did with the DISPLAY method. You'll be asked if you want to 'Transfer missing elements from the object method?'

Don't forget to check the flag Synchronous object method and save again as we did for the DISPLAY task. Test your new task using SWUS. Fill the import parameter IV_PLANT with a plant id, e.g. 1000, then press the Execute function. Because the task is executed in background we need to look at the workflow log to see if it worked. Use the Workflow log button display the work item.

For simplicity's sake, you can let anyone execute the task by making the task a General Task. Follow the menu path Additional Data - Agent Assignment - Maintain. Place your cursor on the task name, and press the Attributes.

CATCH cx_swf_cnt_cont_access_denied. CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_access_denied. CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found. CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_type_conflict.

Choose the task type 'TS' (Standard Task, i.e. A single-step task) and press the Create button. On the second screen the real work begins. On the Basic Data tab, give your task an abbreviation, name, and work item text - these are all free text fields so enter whatever you like. Then choose Object Category 'ABAP Class', enter your ABAP Class as the Object Type, and your DISPLAY method as Method. Note: If you are in a 6.20 system and can't see the Object Category choice 'ABAP Class', then you first need to execute report SWF_CATID to enable 'ABAP Classes' as an available object category. It's already done for you in releases 6.40 and higher.

CATCH cx_swf_evt_invalid_event. Just like the function module SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT to trigger business object, we use method cl_swf_evt_event =>raise in OO to trigger event. Enter the below code in GET_EMPNAME method. That was nice work and I appreciate your presentation, but I have a comment,, that I felt this is a repeated content.

I had explained the same scenario in my earlier article, using Business Objects. Now we will see the same using ABAP Classes. In this part, I am focusing on creating ABAP Class and Workflow. Web Dynpro part will come into picture in next part of this article series.

Canon 2900b driver download 64 bit. In the previous blogs of this series, I talked about why we want to use ABAP OO with workflow and how to make an ABAP Class workflow-ready. This blog deals with using a workflow-ready ABAP Class directly in the simplest type of workflow - a single-step task.

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Send Email From Abap Program

Can you please give some more examples if convenient? Also I am new to workflow and learning it, I will greatly appreciate your help if you can provide some more material (or link to them if they already exist on internet) on other advance features of SAP workflow/webflow. Kind regards,

Hi PavanChand, Thank you for your comment. I didn’t gave much importance to coding standards, as I just want to demonstrate the creating class based workflow for newbies with step by step process. And moreover I had followed some of the naming conventions and exception handling. It takes 4 parts as the max limit for images(20) exceeds for each document. And it’s not a blog to summarize, It is an article.

• • • • Load More Related Q&A from An SAP user has created a user decision step in an SAP workflow item and wants to know how an end user can send an attachment to other users. Find out how to configure clients so that the same version of an SAP workflow item is used when the workflow is triggered in separate clients. A reader wants to know how to hide the forward button in an SAP Business Workplace toolbar. Have a question for an expert? Please add a title for your question Get answers from a TechTarget expert on whatever's puzzling you.

So all that's needed is to check the flag Synchronous object method below the Method field on the Basic Data tab, and save the task again. • You need to specify who is allowed to execute this task. For simplicity's sake, you can let anyone execute the task by making the task a General Task. Follow the menu path Additional Data - Agent Assignment - Maintain.

REGISTER_EMPLOYEE method REGISTER_EMPLOYEE. * Data Declarations DATA: lv_objtype TYPE sibftypeid, lv_event TYPE sibfevent, lv_objkey TYPE sibfinstid, lr_event_parameters TYPE REF TO if_swf_ifs_parameter_container, lv_param_name TYPE swfdname, lv_id TYPE char10. * Setting values of Event Name lv_objtype = ‘ZCL_WF_DEMO’. ” Your Class Name lv_event = ‘REGISTER’.

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